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What Word Infuriates Family Law Attorney's The Most

Believe it or not, the most exasperating word a family law attorney can hear is MEDIATION. Why, because once most, not all, attorneys who practice primarily litigation involving dissolution of marriage and child support and custody issues get a case, they view them as a continuing stipend. The more court hearings they can force, the more money...

Family Law Attorney - The End Of A Love Story

The StoryOnce a girl named Sally met a boy named Harry. They fell in love, got married, bought a house and had two kids. Day by day Harry starts to hate the fried eggs Sally cooked in the morning everyday; and Sally started to pay undue attention to a new French guy who had moved next door. Arguments started and grew into big fights; Harry filed...

What Do Family Law Firms Deal With?

Most of us do not hire family lawyers until we find ourselves trapped in a seemingly endless problem. We also do not bother knowing which law firm to go to in case we get across the need to have a legal consultation. Your family is probably your biggest investment in life. You have not just invested financially but you also invested emotionally,...

Overview of Family Law Issues of Child Custody, Guardianship and Wills and Successions

The world of family law is very different than just about any other type of legal practice. One of the major differences is that unlike dealing with many of the business related areas in which lawyers practice - family law can get personal. These family attorneys regularly deal with issues such as divorce, child custody and support, unforeseen...

What Is Family Law?

Family law includes all those laws that may affect you if you get married, separated, or divorced. It includes the laws that deal with marriage contracts, property division, child custody, access and support as well as spousal support. The family laws in Ontario are complex but there are many ways you can inform yourself about family law in Ontario...

10 Reasons You Need a Family Law Solicitor

If you've come to the conclusion that you can't sort out your family issues amicably, then perhaps you need a family law solicitor to help you.Here are some of the common reasons.1. Many people will use a family law solicitor when they get divorced. If your marriage has ended, and can't be resolved, or you don't want to try and get back together,...

Why Is It Important To Know Family Law?

If two people make the decision to marry, there is always a lot to consider. However, sometimes, those who have decided to get married settle down and end up in a divorce after they hit some personal problems. Some people never seem to recover after their traumatic experiences and they may not know what the right thing to do is.Family law can...

What Is Family Law? - Key Secrets When Looking For Family Law Information

As everyday people, I'm sure you know how important it is to understand family law. If you're asking the question "what is family law", there are some time proven tips you should follow when searching out information. See yourself looking through tons of law documents and legal papers. The key secrets are right in front of your face, and after...

3 Questions That Will Concern You When Hiring Family Law Firms

Selecting a lawyer to represent you may be one of the most essential decisions you'll ever take. The more careful you are in selecting the best family law lawyer for you, the more assurance you'll have -- in the counsel and in the court process. Eventually, you want ideal success for yourself and your kids. Of course, you want to ask how much...

The Most Common Family Law Proceedings

Family law is one of the most important and most difficult areas of the legal system. It deals with families at their most difficult times. For those who are going through these types of situations, it is best to speak to an attorney that specializes in this area. You can protect those you love and use the law to help you to make the changes necessary...

Rhode Island Family Law - Children, Schools, Schooling And Education

Though not specifically addressed within the realm of Rhode Island divorce proceeding, a particular issue has raised its head several times in my practice over the years in the form more of a particular factual set of circumstances rather than as a direct legal issue itself.A recent call presented this scenario from a Rhode Island lawyer and colleague...

Family Law Software - Create Your Child Custody Agreement With Custody Software

Today there is more and more software being developed for family law. There are software programs that aid with divorce, adoption, child custody etc. One particular type of child custody software are programs that allow the user to create a child custody agreement. This is beneficial to attorneys because it can save them countless hours of time...

Divorce Mediation Using a Family Law Or Child Custody Attorney As a Mediator

Mediation is the process in which parties attempt to settle and resolve disputes, divide property, and determine child custody issues using a Rhode Island Mediator.The purpose of the mediation process is an attempt to curtail a long, contentious and expensive court battle in Rhode Island Family Court. A mediator is a neutral third party who seeks...

Family Law - Finding a Good Lawyer

Family law is the term given to the law practice area covered by a family attorney. The issues these lawyers mostly deal with involve legal relationships between and among spouses, children, and domestic partners. The lawyer who specializes in family laws need to have knowledge regarding a range of issues, right from child custody problems, visiting...

Family Law Counsel

There are many specialties in the legal world. Here is what family law experts cover.Attorneys often specialize in one or more legal areas and one of those specialties is family law. Some other examples include criminal, DUI, business and tax, bankruptcy and the more personal legal issues which make up the arena of family law. If a person needs...